GSM7352S  Version


主要更新(针对 8.0.2.x 以及之前的版本以来):

  1. Allow GSM7328S (v1), GSM7352S (v1), GSM7328FS, GSM7228PS, GSM7252PS, GSM7328S-200 (v2), and GSM7352S-200 (v2), to be used in the same stack.
  2. One firmware image to be used for all GSM7328S (v1), GSM7352S (v1), GSM7328FS, GSM7228PS, GSM7252PS, GSM7328S-200 (v2), and GSM7352S-200 (v2).
  3. Provide IPv6 Routing and IP Multicast upgrade capability to GSM7328S (v1), GSM7352S (v1), and GSM7328FS via software license.
  4. Provide IPv4 and IPv6 dynamic routing, and IP multicast routing upgrade capability to GSM7228PS and GSM7252PS via software license.
  5. Allow SFP+ front panel ports on GSM7228PS, GSM7252PS, GSM7328S-200, and GSM7352S-200 to be used for stacking application.


  1. GUI fails to show the MLD proxy entry
    Description: The GUI page "IPv6 Multicast->MLD->Proxy Memebership" will not show table for the membership of MLD proxy.
    Workaround: Use the CLI command "show ipv6 mld-proxy groups" to see the membership table.
  2. On web GUI device view, the ports status and unit number fail to show on full 8 units stack.
    Description: When the switches are stacked in the full 8 unit stack, the device view page in the web GUI might have difficulty shows all the ports, link status in real-time such that the link state might not be updated.
    Workaround: No workaround.
  3. The distribute list for OSPF route redistribution on GUI can not be removed.
    Description: After configure OSFP route Distribution List through the GUI page of Routing->OSPF->Advanced->Route Redistribution, it is unable to remove the Distribution List by selecting the blank in the Distribute List filed.
    Workaround: Disable the Redistribute Option and click the Apply button.
  4. ISDP information with blank device ID doesn,t show up on GUI
    Description: Switch doesn,t show ISDP neighbor information on GUI if the neighbor,s device ID is blank.
    Workaround: no workaround on GUI, please see the neighbor information through CLI.
  5. Auto Install: download bootfile.cfg successfully, but an error showed up in GUI.
    Description: after download bootfile.cfg successfully, an error message showed up on GUI with error "Auto Install Script file download through TFTP. Reason: Transfer direction is unknown."
    Workaround: no workaround on GUI, please use CLI command to see the Auto Install status.
  6. GUI doesn,t show configured Policy attribute on policy configuration page.
    Description: When you click the page of QoS->Diffserv->Advanced->Policy Configuration, GUI only shows the default configuration instead of the setting you have configured before.
    Workaround: no workaround on GUI, please use CLI to see the configured setting for policy.
  7. The switch console port will not to get into user login prompt after set the switch priority as 0 and reboot.
    Description: If the switch priority for stacking mastership is changed to 0, and reboot the switch, the console will not go into user login prompt.
    Workaround: no workaround, you have to go into utility menu to restore the configuration to the factory default.
  8. Some IPv6 ACL CLI commands are missing.
    Description: The CLI command ,ipv6 traffic-filter, under interface and
    ,show ipv6 access-lists, are missing.
    Workaround: no workaround on CLI, please configure it through GUI.
  9. The P-Bridge MIB objects, dot1dTpHCPortInDiscards, dot1dTpHCPortInFrames, and dot1dTpHCPortOutFrames not getting populated.
    Description: These stats objects are not returning anything.
    Workaround: no workaround


  • 7.x 以前的版本先升级到 7.x 版本,7.x 以后的版本可以直接升级到8.x版本。
  • 部分7.x 的命令在 8.0 版本上有语法改变。
  • 升级到 8.0 时,7.x 版本的配置信息应该迁移,当他升级完成后,旧的配置可能会丢失。
  • 在某些 GSM73xxS 上,可能因为闪存里有其他临时文件而因空间不足导致升级受阻,如果遇到升级失败,请与 NETGEAR 客户服务联系。
  • 不建议从 8.x 版本降级到 7.x 或者更低的版本。


  1. 点击以下按钮下载 firmware 文件包。

    8.87 MB
  2. 将压缩文件解压得到stk格式的firmware文件。参考7000 系列交换机 7.0 以上版本升级说明及注意事项进行升级。
  3. 提示:如果您使用微软的 Vista/Win7 操作系统,里面没有超级终端来使用串口,您可以下载一个开放的终端程序如 Tera Term 。( )。




