FVS336G  Version 3.0.9-02



  • 支持动态密码


  • In "Edit Lan Groups" page, ip validation javascript error message is wrong.
  • Unable to delete the configured host names in port forwarding if the number of characters are more than 50.
  • Able to add static routes though the wan interface is down.
  • HTTP traffic is not running when port forwarding tunnel is established using Firefox. - workaround available.
  • User cannot be deleted when user name contains character: + and not showing user name in edit page.
  • Routing entry added for WAN-ETHERNET interface showing as WAN-VIRTUAL interface.
  • Routes are getting added on Virtual and ethernet interfaces, when connected as DHCP and PPPoE respectively.
  • When changing ,Select User Type, from ,Administrator, to ,SSL VPN User,, DUT is not showing error message.
  • Reboot screen after upgrade is not showing the DUT name.
  • IGMP information need to be updated in attack check help page.
  • PPTP idle time out is not working when IGMP proxy enabled.
  • Bandwidth profile is not working over vpn tunnel.
  • SIP clients at other end of tunnel are unable to register through VPN tunnel when SIP server is in LAN side of DUT.
  • For blocking keyword "co", and trusted domain google.co.in, user is not able to open https://google.co.in and http://gmail.com.
  • HTTPS port is notified even when the Stealth mode is enabled.
  • Session expiry - default timeout value is 5min, but it takes 10min to take effect.


  1. 点击下面的按钮下载升级文件到你的电脑上。

      19 MB
  2. 通过浏览器登录到管理界面,点击 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade 管理菜单,在 Router upgrade 选项中点击“浏览”,选中刚才下载的升级文件。
  3. 点击Upgrade。
  4. 等待文件传输完毕,路由器将会重新启动,等待直到路由器的 TEST 指示灯熄灭之后,路由器的升级完成。
  5. 通过路由器前面面板的Facotry Default 按扭或管理界面 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade 的 Default 按扭恢复出厂设置值。




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商用产品:周一至周五 9:00-18:00
