FVS336G  Version 4.3.1-18



  • 从3.x.x.x的固件版本升级到v4.x.x.x的固件版本,或者从v4.x.x.x的固件版本降级到3.x.x.x的固件版本,必须恢复到出厂设置。而且不能导入之前版本的配置备份文件。


  • Supports IPv6
  • CLI
  • Supports Scheduled system reboot
  • Scheduled WAN restart
  • SSL VPN Wizard
  • Optimization of firewall rules movement (UP/DOWN)
  • Network QoS
  • Since new feature Network QoS and IPv6 feature supported, firewall performance will have about 25% drop compare to V3.x.x-x release.


  • IP Octet 4 can,t be set 0 or 255 in Remote Management page
  • Can,t add custom services which port is smaller than 1025
  • Can,t disable DMZ with specific configuration
  • Need Service Groups support in CLI
  • Support for SSLVPN in Windows 8 64-bit machine
  • When Router,s MAC Address type is "Use this computer,s MAC Address" or "Use this MAC Address", Router RADVD can,t get IPv6 Advertisement Prefixes by WAN stateless prefix Delegation
  • When load balancing is enabled, DDNS can,t work normally
  • Port Forwarding related issues when it configured from SSL-VPN Wizard


  • Unable to login through CLI using admin type user added with max special characters
  • In CLI device not showing any error message for invalid Primary/Backup RADIUS Server configuration
  • Device sending the logs to the mail without Device name and date, and IN and OUT are wrong in generated logs
  • WAN2 Port speed is showing Unknown for 1000Mb/s
  • Session time out value is decreasing from 30 for ICMP sessions
  • Device is accepting the broadcast IP in the end IP address in LAN DHCP server configuration
  • CLI is not showing proper warn message for invalid detection_period values
  • "Restart Traffic Counter at Specific Time" fields are not getting Grayed out after applying "Restart Traffic Counter Now" option in the WAN traffic metering page
  • Accept logs are not coming for added schedule based IPv6 firewall rule
  • QoS bands are not increasing for default QoS priority


  1. 点击下面的按钮下载升级文件到你的电脑上。

      19 MB
  2. 通过浏览器登录到管理界面,点击 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade 管理菜单,在 Router upgrade 选项中点击“浏览”,选中刚才下载的升级文件。
  3. 点击Upgrade。
  4. 等待文件传输完毕,路由器将会重新启动,等待直到路由器的 TEST 指示灯熄灭之后,路由器的升级完成。
  5. 通过路由器前面面板的Facotry Default 按扭或管理界面 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade 的 Default 按扭恢复出厂设置值。





家庭产品:周一至周六 9:00-18:00
商用产品:周一至周五 9:00-18:00
