FVS318G  Version 4.3.2-7



  • FVS318Gv2只支持4.x.x或更高的固件版本.


  1. When DUT static route is private , DUT also sent the static route in RIP
  2. Allow to use bandwidth profile for a schedule based firewall rule
  3. Fixed Device is vulnerable for POODLE SSLv3 vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566)
  4. Device is Vulnerability for CVE-2014-3568
  5. Unable to access GUI after adding static route with private enabled.
  6. IPSec VPN to client: VPN cannot establish when "Remote IP" select "Range".
  7. start port cannot be equal to finish port when define a service
  8. SNMP node "nlogSyslogState" should be editable
  9. No DHCP server log and help page missing
  10. nvpnSSLVPNPolicyClientAddressRangeBeginnvpnSSLVPNPolicyClientAddressRangeEnd should not be allowed to set to and
  11. Can,t edit LAN traffic Meter Account


  1. Unable to add IP address or network in by source IP address page.
  2. Observed inconsistantbehaviour with voice traffic when server is lying in LAN and DMZ side
  3. Device showing blank certificate when subject name is having successive comma
  4. For the port speeds 10Base T FULL_Duplex and 100Base T FULL_Duplex, the duplex setting is showing as half
  5. [CLI]Able to add 2 mode config records with same pool start ip and end ip
  6. Device is accepting same Local and Remote LAN IP in manual tunnel.
  7. When "Disable Ping Reply on LAN Ports" is enabled the wan ip of DUT is not reachable from the lan host.
  8. No NAT translation of SIP headers during REGISTER, outbound call and SDP
  9. There is no validation for SIIT Address field.
  10. IPv6 IPSec client tunnel is not getting establish in main mode.
  11. Device is not accepting the static route for the network on lan or vlan interface.
  12. [IPv6]Unable to run IPERF-UDP and FTP traffic from LAN to WAN on SIIT tunnel.
  13. Stun packet s are getting drop in sip module
  14. Device IPv6 WAN is not getting RADvD IP address when Router,s MAC Address is configured for "Use this computer,s MAC Address" or "Use this MAC Address".
  15. [CLI]There are no proper validations for the domain name in CLI
  16. [CLI]schedules are not getting edited properly from CLI


在升级之前,请把设备的配置信息都记录好,你可能在升级之后需要使用到这些信息。这些重要的信息包括登陆密码,安全设定,VPN 策略及 ISP 的配置信息等等。 

  1. 下载 Firmware到本地计算机,下载的Firmware需放到英文目录下,如d:/FVS318Gv2,不要放在桌面或中文目录下。
  2. 通过浏览器登陆到管理页面。
  3. Administration > Settings Backup & Upgrade > Router Upgrade菜单中点击“浏览”按钮,选中下载的Fimware文件,并点击upload。在弹出的页面中点击“确定”FVS318Gv2开始升级。
  4. 升级完成后,FVS318Gv2将显示系统已成功升级,并自动重新启动
  5. 恢复出厂设置值,即在通电的情况下按着复位键约15秒即可。




家庭产品:周一至周六 9:00-18:00
商用产品:周一至周五 9:00-18:00
