SRX5308  VPN Lite Client Version 6.12.001


注意:该版本客户端软件要求有一个授权许可序列号。而该 VPN Lite 版本的客户端软件并不用于购买,只提供给购买以下产品的用户:

  1. FVS338 - 1 Lite license
  2. FVS336Gv2 - 1 Lite license
  3. FVX538v2 - 5 Lite licenses
  4. SRX5308 - 1 Lite license
  5. SRXN3205 - 1 Lite license
  6. UTM10 - 1 Lite license
  7. UTM25 - 1 Lite license
  8. UTM50 - 3 Lite License
  9. UTM150 - 3 Lite License

如果你需要该 VPN 客户端软件的授权许可序列号,请与美国网件客户服务部(400-830-3815)联系。 

  • 2010年1月1日后购买的 VPN 产品的发票复印件(或有效凭证)
  • VPN 产品的序列号


  • support Windows 8/8.1 32/64-bit; support IPv6.


  • Import or export VPN Configuration to or from a mapped drive fails.
  • Incoming packets ending with .255 on port 4500 are not handled properly.
  • Incoming packets ending with .255 on port 4500 are not handled properly.
  • "TSocket message data type 0 could not be sent" error message preventing an IKEv1 VPN tunnel to open using an IPv6 IP address.
  • Packets with a payload smaller than 24 bytes are dropped in IPv6 VPN tunnel, causing issues for FTP


  • The VPN Client virtual network interface appears in "Unidentified network" list in Windows Control Panel (Network).
  • Within VPN Configuration with two VPN Tunnels with the same virtual IP address, only the DNS/WINS server address of the first VPN tunnel is used. Workaround: use 2 different virtual IP addresses if DNS/WINS server addresses must be different for each VPN tunnel.
  • Multi-proposal with IKEv1 VPN tunnels is limited to 2 choices only for Key Group within Phase2 (i.e. DH2, DH5).
  • Traffic detection is not working properly with Config Payload mode enabled (i.e. equivalent to Config Mode in IKEv1).
  • DPD continues after tunnel failure (IKEv1 only).
  • FTP can work only in "passive mode".
  • IPv6: Our gateway only supports aggressive mode for VPN client tunnel


  1. 下载并另存为该软件到你的电脑
  2. 注意:不当的升级过程可能导致设备损坏而必须更换。
  3. 解压缩文件,并双击文件"NETGEARVPNClientLite_v6.12.001_Setup.exe",按照安装向导进行安装。
  4. 安装完成后,你需要重新启动你的电脑。
  5. 点击 "Activate" 并输入设备绑定的授权许可序列号。
  6. 进行VPN的配置。





家庭产品:周一至周六 9:00-18:00
商用产品:周一至周五 9:00-18:00
