SRX5308  Version 4.3.3-6



  1. Routers that have FAILED their PCI Compliance SCANS.


  1. Not able to establish IPv6 SSL-VPN tunnel from java based browsers with java 8 update 20 version.
  2. Unable to run the FTP traffic from FileZilla client over SSL Port forwading tunnel in the Windows7 64 bit host.
  3. Unable to establish port forwarding tunnel from Windows7 64 bit IE9 browser.
  4. Internet Traffic Statistics are not getting updated correctly in auto rollover mode     
  5. NFS service support: Only support NFS v4 "mount" command, do not support NFS v2, v3 and "showmount" command.
  6. No NAT translation of SIP headers during REGISTER, outbound call and SDP.
  7. Observed inconstistantbehaviour with voice traffic when server is lying in LAN and DMZ side.
  8. Unable to establish the fourth call from LAN side.
  9. Unable to establish the IPv6 manual tunnel with traffic selector as ANY/ANY.
  10. Able to Configure IPv6 Address pools and DMZ adverisements prefixes through CLI when DMZ is not enabled.
  11. [CLI]Firewalllogs6 table is not updating properly for enabling and disabling logs through CLI.
  12.  Able to run Port triggering inbound traffic with the open port from any WAN hosts.
  13. Daylight saving functionality is not working for time zone "GMT-0"
  14. PPPoE over IPv6 WANs are getting restarted and IPv4 WAN is not responding after changing WAN mode for multiple times.
  15. Able to establish VPN  gw-gw tunnel with mismatch user-FQDN and able to run traffic.
  16. Traffic is not following WAN upload or down load(higher one of them )speeds if the upload and down load speeds having large difference.
  17. Unable to establish L2TP connection from WAN secondary addresses fail.
  18. [IPv6]Unable to run the FTP ,http,iperf traffic on pppoe over IPv6 with DHCP option as "Disable-DHCPv6"
  19. Able to select same WAN for both primary and secondary WANs for auto rollover WAN mode in IPv4/IPv6 dual stack mode.
  20. Unable to get the IP to LAN host after rebooting the device continuously for over night.    
  21.  [IPv6]Displaying the message as address not found instead of "Blocked from this Browser"  for IPv6 policy "Deny Login From Defined Browsers."
    Note:  support 43 VoIP phone calls. Next release we will support 50 VoIP phone calls


  1. 点击下面的按钮下载升级文件到你的电脑上。
  2. 通过浏览器登录到管理界面,点击 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade 管理菜单,在 Router upgrade 选项中点击“浏览”,选中刚才下载的升级文件。
  3. 点击 Upgrade。
  4. 等待文件传输完毕,路由器将会重新启动,等待直到路由器的 TEST 指示灯熄灭之后,路由器的升级完成。
  5. 通过路由器前面面板的Facotry Default 按扭或管理界面 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade 的 Default 按扭恢复出厂设置值。




家庭产品:周一至周六 9:00-18:00
商用产品:周一至周五 9:00-18:00
