FVS336G  Version 4.3.3-6



  1. Routers that have FAILED their PCI Compliance SCANS.


  1. [CLI]Device is accepting start ip address is larger than end ip address in IPv6 Address pool table
  2. Device is not accepting mode config pool ips for a specific range of addresses through CLI
  3. Not able to change to ipv4/ipv6 dual mode through CLI.
  4. Unable to login to the device GUI after configuring custom portal as default
  5. Device is not showing prefix length for IPV6 wan address in router status and wan setup page.
  6. Sometimes Telnet session to the device is not accessible
  7. List of services of server group are not displaying in CLI show command.
  8. Device is not showing proper error message while performing ping and trace route when the selected local gate way wan is down
  9. Device is showing error "IP subnet conflicting with WAN1" while adding multihomingipadress when WAN ISP type is PPPoE/PPTP
  10. Opened ports are getting closed when we make changes to other rules in Port Triggering page.
  11. Device WAN not able to connect with the windows pptp server.
  12. Not able to establish IPV6 SSL-VPN tunnel from java based browsers with java 8 update 20 version.
  13. Unable to run the ftp traffic from Filezilla client over ssl Port forwarding tunnel in the windows7 64 bit host
  14. Unable to establish port forwarding tunnel from windows7 64 bit IE9 browser.
  15. [SSLVPN] tunnels establishment failed for windows 8.1 64 bit IE11 browser.
  16. Link detection processes are seen for wan3 and wan4 also but device is having only wan1 and wan2.
  17. Observed critical error when we click on trace route option, if ping though vpn tunnel is selected
    Note: support 25 VoIP phone calls. Next release we will support 50 VoIP phone calls.


  1. 点击下面的按钮下载升级文件到你的电脑上。
  2. 通过浏览器登录到管理界面,点击 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade 管理菜单,在 Router upgrade 选项中点击“浏览”,选中刚才下载的升级文件。
  3. 点击Upgrade。
  4. 等待文件传输完毕,路由器将会重新启动,等待直到路由器的 TEST 指示灯熄灭之后,路由器的升级完成。
  5. 通过路由器前面面板的Facotry Default 按扭或管理界面 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade 的 Default 按扭恢复出厂设置值。




家庭产品:周一至周六 9:00-18:00
商用产品:周一至周五 9:00-18:00
