FVS336G  Version 3.0.5-24


注意:FVS336G 升级到 Version 2.X 后需重新恢复出厂设置值,Version1.X 和 2.X 的配置文件不能兼容,因此不要把 Version1.X 配置文档用到 Version 2.X 的软件版本上。


  • 2-Factor authentication support (WIKID)
  • SIP ALG support


  • Multiple DNS implementations vulnerable to cache poisoning
  • Failed to connect to PPPoE server if the username contains character %
  • Proxy ARP for second WAN IP is unstable
  • Enable block tcp flood breaks internal management via https
  • RIP does not broadcast static routes in routing table
  • Inbound firewall rule to port-forward HTTPS addressed to second public WAN IP does not work after soft-reboot
  • LAN DNS proxy in load balancing mode stopped working after a period of time
  • NTP will not function when the primary NTP server is in the LAN site
  • Unable to access from LAN or WAN to DMZ when load balance and protocol binding is configured
  • Correct the behavior that by default outbound traffic from LAN or DMZ is allowed without FW rules
  • SNMP fails to function after soft reboot using NETGEAR ProSafe NMS100
  • Traffic count does not reset on the correct time and date
  • Domain pull down list sometimes is empty
  • GUI Help page is now correct for Firewall rule with LAN and DMZ outbound traffic
  • PPPOE MTU cannot be changed unless you reboot the box


  • SNMP trap is not working with the subnet mask .
  • PPPOE idle timeout does not work if the remote DNS server in WAN site is not responding when using FQDN name in VPN policy.


FVS336G 升级到 Version 2.X 后需重新恢复出厂设置值,Version1.X 和 2.X 的配置文件不能兼容,因此不要把Version1.X 配置文档用到 Version 2.X 的软件版本上。


  • 点击下面的按钮下载升级文件到你的电脑上。

  • 通过浏览器登陆到管理界面。
  • 点击 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade 管理菜单,在 Router upgrade 选项中点击“浏览”选中刚才下载的 img 升级包。
  • 点击 Upload。
  • 等待文件传输完毕,路由器将会重新启动,等待直到路由器的TEST指示灯熄灭之后,路由器的升级完成。
  • 通过路由器前面面板的 Facotry Default 按扭或管理界面 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade 的 Default 按扭恢复出厂设置值.

2.FVX538/ FVS338 /FVS336G V2.0 以上软件升级注意事项


This product includes software code developed by third parties, including software code subject to the GNU General Public License ("GPL") or GNU Lesser General Public License ("LGPL"). As applicable, the terms of the GPL and LGPL, and information on obtaining access to the GPL Code and LGPL Code used in this product, are available to you at NETGEAR,s Open Source Code Web page. The GPL Code and LGPL Code used in this product is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and is subject to the copyrights of one or more authors. For details, see the GPL Code and LGPL Code for this product and the terms of the GPL and LGPL.




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