FVS336G  Version 3.0.7-24


注意:FVS336G 升级到 Version 2.X 后需重新恢复出厂设置值,Version1.X 和 2.X 的配置文件不能兼容,因此不要把 Version1.X 配置文档用到 Version 2.X 的软件版本上。


  • Suport IP multicast passthru and IGMP snooping to enable the media streaming and gaming application pass thru between WAN and LAN connects.
  • Add SNMP OID for CPU utilization.
  • Add watchdog timer and system health monitor to collect more counters and system information.
  • Allow to configure custom ports between 0 to 1023.
  • Support iPhone VPN client connection.
  • Add checkbox in LAN setup page to allow enable and disable the ARP broadcast.
  • Allow to cusomize the client ID in DHCP client configuration.
  • Support IP address group in WAN user so that it can be used in the Firewall inbound rules.
  • Allow up to 256 characters in configuring the text banner for SSL VPN portal.
  • Support per IP address base bandwidth limit in traffic meter setup.
  • Increase WAN,s secondary IP address maximum to 24.


  • The guest user is no longer able to update or delete some fields in WAN setup page.
  • Resolved the issue of WAN port getting reset when using 2 DSL lines from the same ISP with load balanacing mode.
  • DynDNS record will be updated with the new IP address when WAN port gets assigned new IP address.
  • It is now allowed to map a higher port number to a lower one in Firewall rules.
  • Admin is able to save the DHCP client vendor identifier or vendor class identifier.
  • Checking is added to prevent user to create duplicate protocol binding policies.
  • 2 PCs in DMZ network is able to access each other when they are using public IP addresses.
  • Resolved the issue that all WAN ports get reset when reconfiguring a WAN port.
  • WAN load balancing function will apply to the WAN port that is just back on line.
  • Resolved the issue that LAN port MAC address was saved in the backup file. 


  • SSL full tunnel is not supported for MAC OS 10.6 please use split tunnel as alternative.    
  • Windows 7 64-bit SSL VPN is not supported on Firefox.
  • Defaults SSL global deny policy should be grayed out.
  • Protocol binding should be configurable only in load balancing mode, but can be configured in dedicated & auto roll over modes also.
  • LAN and DMZ host IP are accepted in DMZ-WAN and LAN-WAN respectively for inbound services.
  • Able to configure Dyndns for ADSL and Ethernet irrespective of WAN Mode type.     
  • PPTP idle time out is not working when IGMP proxy enabled.
  • Bandwidth profile is not working over vpn tunnel


FVS336G 升级到 Version 2.X 后需重新恢复出厂设置值,Version1.X 和 2.X 的配置文件不能兼容,因此不要把Version1.X 配置文档用到 Version 2.X 的软件版本上。


  1. 点击下面的按钮下载升级文件到你的电脑上。
  2. 通过浏览器登陆到管理界面。
  3. 点击 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade 管理菜单,在 Router upgrade 选项中点击“浏览”选中刚才下载的 img 升级包。
  4. 点击 Upload。
  5. 等待文件传输完毕,路由器将会重新启动,等待直到路由器的 TEST 指示灯熄灭之后,路由器的升级完成。
  6. .通过路由器前面面板的 Facotry Default 按扭或管理界面 Administration>Settings Backup & Upgrade的Default 按扭恢复出厂设置值。

FVX538/ FVS338/FVS336G V2.0 以上软件升级注意事项,如果在升级的过程中出现问题,可以通过路由器面板上的复位按钮对路由器进行恢复出厂配置的方法尝试恢复,在路由器正常启动之后,再手动对其进行重新配置。




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